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"Kreamer enters new-look Charles school board race" SOMD News 10-15-2021

Nicole Kreamer of Waldorf was the first to register for the Charles County Board of Education race since new guidelines on candidacy were put into effect.

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By: Darryl Kinsey, Jr.

Published: October 15, 2021 (Print) October 20, 2021 (E-edition)

A Waldorf parent hoping to increase engagement between the local board of education and residents has joined the race for seats in a new-look school board.

Nicole Kreamer, 39, registered on Sept. 3 to run for one of two District 3 seats on the Charles County Board of Education during next year’s election.

Kreamer, who’s worked the past 20 years in health care administration, has three children who have gone through the Charles public school system. After participating in school events and board meetings, running for a board of education seat was something Kreamer said was a “calling,” having been active in the school system since she moved to the county in 2004. “I’ve always been sort of a natural advocator, so it’s something that I enjoy doing and something that I feel like I’m good at doing,” Kreamer said.

Kreamer would like to tackle issues of parental engagement, especially when it comes to Charles school board meetings.

Instead of the current three-minute period to speak with no response from board members allowed, Kreamer would like a more town-hall style format that would allow for more conversation between residents and board members.

Kreamer would also like more clear and transparent communication from the school board in addressing subjects such as the learning loss brought on by missed instruction caused by the pandemic. “We really need to communicate with the families where those gaps are and provide the support to meet those children with those needs,” Kreamer said.

The upcoming election will be the first in the county since passage of this year’s Maryland Senate Bill 749, which requires the Charles board to include two members to be chosen from each commissioner district, one member chosen at large and one student member.

Previous school board members were all selected at large, regardless of which district they reside in.

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